Wednesday 25 January 2012

Spiral Notebook: In Praise Of Innovation

Much has been made of the new hi-tech City protester.

They are herded by the Twittersphere, coddled by Portaloo and nestling down with a latte by Starbucks' window to cadge free wi-fi on their Apple laptop.

Technology has made such spontaneous bursts of anger more mobile and co-ordinated. Praise is due, also, to another evolution in technology which has slipped under the commentators' radar. Tent technology.

As a bruised alumni of the guy rope and timber frame version of the unwieldy beast, I was astonished to see a sea of tents affixed to just about nothing at all.

My naïve assumption was that the protesters had anchored themselves via the mossy grouting twixt the stones but, no. Bendy self-supporting frames means tents are go anywhere tools now.

Perhaps the Greenham Common women would have chosen to besiege the US embassy if their protests had not required yielding glades.

Either way, hurrah for capitalism and its unerring need to innovate.

Nationwide disgrace

To "people's bank" Nationwide - "Your feedback shapes our services" which has launched its new Your Nationwide website ("We are on your side and really do care about helping customers.")

One can only assume that Nationwide ("Your needs are at the heart of Your Nationwide.") received a barrage of letters from customers in south east London demanding the bank clear their streets of those irritating High Street branches with their easy access and advisers with faces. Grrr.

Nationwide ("We value every idea, suggestion and question that you voice.") with heavy hearts, no doubt, conceded to people power and retreated into the digital fortress.

Leadership lacking

Re: everything. Things have been worse. In 1940 civilisation was under threat and it was the courage of one man - Winston Churchill - who gambled on the resolve of the British people and won.

As the play Three Days In May reminds us - tough times call for leadership and courage. Brussels and the EU are currently not at home to such qualities, it appears.