Friday 19 June 2009

Spiral Notebook: A word to the wise


The millionth word has just been added to the English lexicon. according to the Global Language Monitor

The winner of this resounding honour is a timely entry "Web 2.0".

As we begin the mountain climb to the next milestone, I'd like to offer a few neological suggestions of my own...

Apathite (noun) - Person who writes on messageboards to share the revelation that they have no opinion on the subject under discussion.

Deaveatigue (noun) - Weariness experienced when watching a DVD solely for the purpose of getting your money's worth.

Fazebook (verb) - to commence winding down your online social networking.

Feignship (noun) - the false bond of mutual affection you create on the phone with a stranger who can do you a favour. Example: "If you can get that package over to me by tomorrow I'll be your best feign."

Glap (noun) - the uncertain silence at the end of a show before the start of the applause.

Inflectious (adj) - mispronounced or incorrect word that no one dare correct to avoid offending the author of the error. Example: "Man! Now I'm saying irregardless! That's inflectious, that is."

Lappse (verb intrans) - to become redundant (of iPhone widgets). Example: "Light Saber is lappsed."

Nadiritate (verb derog) - to erroneously call the bottom of the market on a daily basis.

Oysternation (noun) - feeling of anxiety or dismay that sweeps over you on the DLR when you can't recall touching in (not to be confused withconsterlation (noun) - feelings of dismay caused by an array of tiny toothpaste blobs on the mirror).

Perlandean (adj) - pertaining to a vast span of geological time, defined as the period between entering the cinema and the film beginning.

Scandling (noun) - the act of flicking through newspapers looking for juicy gossip.

Sleepage (noun) - confusion wrought by a blurring of the line between what's real and what you dreamt about last night.

Suckumb (verb) - to give in to temptation and looking round to see what everyone's pointing at only to find out it's nothing and you've been had.

Tumulchuous (adj) - excited, confused or disorderly state that comes when you finally get round to tidying the garden.